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About Us

Celebrated 25 years in February 2010

Letters from supporters

SAA has no funding except what our readers and members donate and the proceeds from our fund raisers. See #5 below under Goals for more complete description.

We are a local group able to help only those in Stoughton or Oregon Wisconsin or their surrounding rural areas.

Small Animal Advocates
300 Severson Lane
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 873-9851


History in a Nutshell

SAA president Kathy Thode and Treasurer George Thode.

In October of 1984, Kathy started her campaign to find a better way of cutting down the number of strays and unwanted pets through low-cost spay/neuter clinics.

She visited local Vets and it was suggested forming a club and educating the public.

Kathy placed an article in the local paper asking for interested people to meet

The official first meeting was held on November 26, 1984 with 4 women attending.

By the next meeting of February 4, 1985, eleven were present along with a guest speaker.

On March 20, 1985, the first Rabies Clinic was held with over 100 inoculations given.

In May1985 was the first yard and bake sale, earning over $300.

July at the Stoughton Fair, the first two free spay/neuter certificates were given.

SAA complained to the local Fair Board in 1988 on the practice of giving away kittens, bunnies and ducklings. Though there was no response, the practice was stopped.

1989, SAA started presenting a 'kindness to animals' talk to the local Head Start.

1997 was our first Victorian Holiday Bake Sale

Our Mission:

Reasons Why We Exist:

  1. To promote responsible pet ownership.
  2. To speak for those who cannot: The small animal population of the Stoughton, Wisconsin area.
  3. To encourage the spaying and neutering of pets in the Stoughton area.
  4. To assist those who qualify with the cost of spaying/neutering their pet(s).
  5. To stop small animal abandonment and cruelty.

Our Goals:

  1. To educate the public on responsible pet ownership.
  2. To become financially able (through donations and fund raisers) to help those who qualify with the cost of spaying or neutering their pets.
  3. To eliminate the local stray problem.
  4. To increase our membership (no dues).
  5. To encourage people to designate SAA in the KWIK TRIP Rewards Program. Also, we are now a part of the "Support Oregon" program at Bill's Food Market in Oregon.